Thursday 20 November 2014

Not your mammas strawberries and cream...

Who needs sugar and dairy filled cream when you can have whipped coconut cream?!
This cream is epic! And add in homemade raw chocolate and fresh strawberries... Yum!
I originally wanted chocolate cookies topped in the coconut cream, but after making some raw chocolate I decided on strawberries and cream instead. And this raw chocolate recipe is so simple but so satisfying too. 

How to create a bowl full of sunshine...

-Fresh, preferably local, strawberries

-Raw chocolate

-1/2 cup melted unrefined coconut oil
-1/4 to 1/2 cup raw cacao
-1 tablespoon natural sweetener 
-Mix, pour onto a lined tray and refrigerate 

Coconut whipped cream

-1 tin coconut cream with liquid removed 
(refrigerate and don't shake before use)
-1 tablespoon liquid sweetener
-1 teaspoon vanilla essence 
-Whip until combined and refrigerate

Combine and enjoy!

Friday 14 November 2014

Ovulating by the new moon

Moon phases

For quite some time now I've been fascinated with the moon, it's cycles and it's affects on our bodies and the earth...

-The tides are controlled by the moon.
-Our bodies are made up of 70% water.

If the moon affects the tides of the oceans, it makes sense that the moon affects our water based bodies too.

-The moon cycle is 28 days long.
-A healthy menstrual cycle is also 28 days long.

I was reading a post by Nat Kringoudis about how fertility is affected by the moon. A healthy menstrual cycle will match the lunar cycle. So you could expect to have your period at the same time of the lunar cycle, e.g. every full moon.

But what caught my attention was the studies of Dr Eugen Jonas

Specifically, a female has a period of extra ovulation each cycle outside of the normal ovulation cycle. This occurs at the same time of the lunar cycle that you were born in. So if your extra ovulation happens at the same time as your normal ovulation it results in two eggs being released around the same time. Or you could also be releasing an egg during a part of your cycle that you wouldn't normally be fertile. 

Being a mother of twins this got me thinking about how my daughter and son were conceived...

-The twins were conceived with two eggs
-I was born at the time of a new moon
-The twins were conceived at the time of a new moon
-My ovulation and extra ovulation occurred at the same time

So this could explain why twins are conceived with two eggs.
Nature and the human body are amazing!

Kylie xx

Wednesday 12 November 2014

"She wouldn't hurt a fly"

Dear Fly

Mr Fly, oh Mr Fly

What brings you to my house?

Are you looking for a safe place to rest your wings?  

Or perhaps you're looking for a friend?

If I get close enough I can see your big beady eyes.

I hear your buzzing and know you're there.

You're a tiny black ball of fuzz.

You seem focussed on my window, 

Like you're trying to get out.

But please, relax Mr Fly,

You won't find no fly spray here.

Take your time and stay a while.

And when you're ready to leave,

Head for the door and I'll let you out...

Yours compassionately, Kylie x

Friday 7 November 2014

When I'm feeling lazy

It's hard trying to find a balance between the vegan meals I want, the meat and veg my husband wants, and the types of meals the kids will eat. Sometimes it feels like I need to cook three different meals just to please everyone. 

If we're not having meat and veg (provided I got meat out of the freezer), I usually turn to the internet for inspiration.

But after spending the day with the kids, cleaning the house, checking Facebook, making things, procrastinating, etc I don't always have the energy or feel inspired to make anything for dinner. 

Also a great way for them to practice their numbers! Counting how many holes are empty and how many they have left.

So for this I ended up using some pasta, carrots, apple, strawberries, frozen beans, slivered almonds and cashews. Feel free to use whatever you have on hand and make it as colourful as possible! 

It was a big hit!

Thursday 6 November 2014

It's the little things...

It's the little things that make me so grateful to be a mother to two adorable/funny/crazy four year olds...

-When they come out with a new word or phrase I haven't heard them say before
-When Nathan says that Hayley is grumpy
-When they're off playing together and I overhear them talking so politely to each other
-Their sense of humour and ability to 'get' jokes
-When they inhale a punnet of blueberries each and go looking for more
-When they pick a tiny little flower out of the garden for me
-The look on Hayley's face when she's dressed up in a tutu
-How they recognise lavender bushes in other people's gardens
-The way they snuggle up when they fall asleep together
-The way they say "I love you"

It's the little things, but it's also the big things...

Wednesday 5 November 2014


Welcome to my first ever post on my first ever blog!

I've been toying with the idea of creating a blog for some time now, but haven't been able to find any clarity in terms of what it should be about. 

Eventually I decided on a bit of everything... The life of being a mother of twins, my varied interests in crafts, my (mostly) vegan choices and the new lifestyle that has come with that change in my life, and all the little bits in-between. After a few pictures about blogging popped up on my Pinterest page I decided to give it a try and see how it goes.

But for now, thank you for stopping by and welcome once again! 

Kylie xox